Monday, November 14, 2011

It's Official, I'm Out

Alright people. I'm basically at my wits end here.

Eventhough I said clearly that I would be M.I.A. a few weeks a go, I have been pretty active on this blog. I've also found myself on twitter, fb, and my other multitude of internet sites that I have spent way too much time on in comparison to what I really need to be getting done. My homework.

I have 18 assignment that are due in 4 weeks. This is no joke. I'm only taking two classes but grad school is wrecking my life. And I've been dropping the ball. I mean, I was able to get 3 of those assignments done yesterday, clapforem, but then today I fucked around all day in wonderful wonderful leisure up until...well now. WOMP WOMP WOMP. I mean, maybe I deserved a nice little break after working so hard yesterday. But it's almost 8:30 and I have 3 assignments due by Tuesday. I've dropped the ball folks. And with the difficulty there is even trying to do any homework while I'm at work, I've got to use all the extra time I've got to get this work done.

That being said. It's official. I'm out.

I will be deactivating both my twitter and facebook as of now. I will also be signing out of gchat. And, sorry folks, I won't be blogging until my semester is over. I'll just keep track of the posts I want to write, and there are many, and unleash them when I get back from my academic death. Friends, if you want to get at me and you have my number, make it work.

All that being said, I'm officially signing off.


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