Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Check Your Receipts!

Happy Hump Day Folks. For some this is a day to rejoice. The work week is almost over and it is so much closer to the weekend. For others, like me, this day spells doom. I'm looking at you ridiculous mountain of homework.

Anyway, as I was getting ready this morning I was thinking ahead about the groceries I need to buy next week and that made me think of my most recent grocery purchase. Just last weekend I had gone to my area Shoprite and purchased about $130 worth of food. (We have a big family and sometimes you just have to stock up.) And one thing that I learned from my mother and father is to always check the receipt. Sure you may check the prices as the item is being scanned but sometimes you miss something and double checking is always best, especially when it comes to money.

When I checked my receipt for my purchases, I found that 2 items I bought were wrongly priced and that I had been overcharged. Because I had double checked I was able to get the items for free, something that many supermarkets do for customers when the store is in the wrong. I got back $3 and my items for free. And that $3 can go far in this economy.

So folks, if you don't already, check your receipts. You may be surprised just how often stores make mistakes and you pay for it.

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